“So many people I talk to had no clue that dogs can donate blood. That’s why we’re here ... to consider their pets as donors. “He is a hero,” Jen said proudly.
San Diego Blood Bank honors Jim Walker, an 81-year-old who donated 170 gallons of blood over five decades.
broke records after giving more than 40 donations to the Pet Blood Bank for critically ill or injured pets in need. He is among five finalists nominated for a Hero Dog Award from The Kennel Club ...
Donating blood goes beyond a civic duty- it makes you a shoulder to fall back on in times of need. While those with tattoos have always been under scrutiny for their inability to donate blood, there ...
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood is the first in the world to allow people with an inherited iron blood disorder called hemochromatosis to donate both blood and plasma. People with this disease ...
Join the community of lifesavers and donate today. Whether it is your first time, or you are a seasoned donor, your blood could make a world of difference. Be a hero. Donate blood. Save lives.
The idea of getting poked with a big needle and having some of your blood siphoned out is not at all a pleasant one. However, people who are brave enough to get jabbed and allow some of their blood to ...
By donating blood you are not just helping others—you are giving your own heart a boost as well. Before you donate, you are given a quick health screening, which includes checking your blood pressure, ...