Many years ago, I wrote to The Times commending David L. Ulin on his piece retracing Holden Caulfield's path through Manhattan in "The Catcher in the Rye." And now I'm writing to commend him on ...
Connect ideas in your writing, join sentences and paragraphs together and make your writing easier to follow. How to plan and draft your writing Plans are where you can put all your ideas and then ...
you should also save some time to attend to the more mechanical aspects of writing in English, such as using abbreviations, writing numbers, capitalizing words, using hyphens when needed ...
A wide range of vocabulary demonstrates a strong command of language and makes your writing more lively, engaging and interesting to read. Keep a list of new words that you encounter and use them ...
We also offer students opportunities to pursue creative writing of their own. We expect that our majors will graduate with an understanding of the historical and cultural forces that have shaped ...
Immerse yourself in the writing life – and develop a cultural vocabulary – by looking at the human condition through many literary modes, while studying works which include aspects of psychology, ...
Celebrated on March 8, International Women’s Day is a global occasion dedicated to honouring the social, economic, cultural, ...
The Writing Program offered by Saint Louis University’s Department of English teaches the fundamentals of persuasive composition. The program's courses provide students with foundational knowledge of ...