Cognitive behavioral therapy, periodic communication after suicide attempt, and pharmacologic treatments are important tools for veteran treatment.
Music-based therapeutic interventions may improve depressive symptoms and overall behavioral problems in the short t ...
A new review has found evidence that music-based therapy may benefit people living with dementia, particularly by improving ...
CBT, either individual or group, can be an effective type of therapy for managing bipolar symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that can help manage bipolar disorder.
Conversational AI is being designed to support pediatric mental health in several ways. These chatbots are powered by natural ...
Conversational AI is being designed to support pediatric mental health in several ways. These chatbots are powered by natural ...
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based talk therapy that originated from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) but more directly focuses on the needs of those prone to suicide or ...
Can't sleep? Discover how spinal health influences your sleep-wake cycle. Research reveals promising connections between ...
AI enhances mental health care with accessibility and data-driven insights, but lacks the depth of human connection, emotional attunement, and creativity necessary for true healing.