Anna Popp is a New York-based associate editor at Travel + Leisure, covering all of the best travel products, from luggage to outdoor gear. She has been a travel writer, editor, and product tester ...
Since then, I’ve tried several sling bags and have figured out what I think is the best sling bag for travel. There are two great options that we recommend, and I recommend having one for vacations.
With the best camera bags, you can ensure all your ... from messenger bags to adventure backpacks to compact sling bags, all so you can find one that fits your style and needs.
While backpacks are cool, sling bags have gotten even cooler! They hold quite a lot of things, look great, and are ideal for college or work. If you haven’t used one yet, you should start now.
Sling bags with a flap have their own fandom. Being a classic, this pink Lavie Jana Women’s Sling bag has a universal format of its own, that never looks out of place and is the complete deal ...
Lucky for those who want to dress like it's 2019, Bellroy designed a fanny pack-like bag that's stylish, versatile, and surprisingly spacious — and it's called the Sling. The Bellroy Sling is a ...