Put the Bible back into society and let’s clearly stress that we are a Christian island – that’s the challenge thrown down to all the Christian denominations in Ireland this glorious St Patrick’s Day.
They called it the “monkey trial.” It was supposed to be a publicity stunt.A hundred years later, it is remembered as far ...
The Scopes trial, also called the 'monkey trial,' was a landmark legal case in 1925 Tennessee that challenged a ban on teaching evolution in schools. Initially a publicity stunt, it became a ...
On New Year’s Day, Dannhaus’ book The Creation Dilemma: Bridging the Gap between Biblical Creation and Scientific Theory was released, and within its hundred-plus pages is an exploration of the ...
In the U.S., in contrast, religion continually overflows into politics and other aspects of daily life. We recently had a serious presidential candidate who claimed that God told himto run for office.