Post-stroke cognitive impairment and dementia (PSCID) severely impacts the morbidity and mortality of stroke survivors. While clinical factors and imaging are useful in identifying patients at risk ...
People with shorter protective caps at the end of their chromosomes (called telomeres) may be more likely to develop ...
A rapid and reliable diagnosis of stroke is critical to optimize clinical care and ensure patient survival. In this way, there is substantial interest in discovering new biomarkers capable of ...
Expert Rev Proteomics. 2012;9(4):437-449.
Introduction: Blood-based biomarker investigations for neurological diseases such as ischemic stroke are commonly used in clinical practice and traditionally have focused on measuring alterations in ...
Introduction: Rapid stroke diagnosis is critical in the early stages to initiate stroke subtype-specific treatment soon after symptom onset. Objectives: We undertook a cross-platform proteomics study ...
A new study suggests that certain substances in the blood may help identify people with a type of irregular heartbeat called ...
Moreover, up to 25% of strokes represent a recurrent event, demonstrating the crucial role of unraveling stroke etiology in order to select the appropriate secondary preventive medication. There is, ...
Investigations have demonstrated the added clinical value of several biomarkers in the neurovascular context; therefore, studying these proteins has emerged as one of the most promising alternatives ...