Black holes have been fascinating subjects of study, not just because they are cosmic vacuum cleaners, but also as engines of ...
A team of top astronomers including Dr. William Alston, Senior Lecturer in Data Science at the University of Hertfordshire's ...
Rapid X-ray oscillations detected near the innermost orbit of a supermassive black hole could indicate the presence of a nearby orbiter such as a white dwarf ...
Many more supermassive black holes could be hiding in the universe ... are lurking in plain sight – hiding behind dust and gas rendering them invisible to normal telescopes Professor Poshak ...
An artist’s rendering of gravitational waves from a pair of close-orbiting black holes (visible on the left in the distance). The waves are passing by several pulsars and the Earth (on the right).
A mysterious black hole has started behaving even more strangely, scientists have said. The supermassive black hole has been sending out flashes that have increased in speed. Astronomers say they have ...
Black holes are objects with an intense gravitational pull so strong that not even beams of light, the fastest things in the universe, can escape. This makes them impossible to see directly ...
"Our measurements imply that the supermassive black hole mass is 10% of the stellar mass in the galaxies we studied." Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have discovered ...
'We were amazed, but also skeptical' The newly discovered jet blasts from both sides of an actively feeding black hole — a quasar named J1601+3102, which has 450 million times the mass of the ...