We've already been shown one instance of Saga mechanics at play on a Creature card through the example of Summon: Shiva. Saga creatures enter the battlefield with one lore counter on them so Shiva ...
不只有国补还有省补市补 新一轮以旧换新多地多重buff拉满 新春到来,消费市场也迎来了一股“辞旧迎新”的热潮。随着今年消费品以旧换新的加力扩围,不少商家也有针对性地推出补贴活动,更多实惠送到了消费者身边。 在深圳华强北一家家电卖场的 ...
There’s a hint of apocalypse. It’s like being pitched from Noël Coward’s truthful social realism, into Caryl Churchill’s bleak dystopias. There’s still humour there, but it increasingly feels like a ...