Three supervolcanoes that are more dangerous than Yellowstone and could wipe out the entire planet. Earth is hiding the ...
New research shows that the reservoirs of magma that fuel the supervolcano's wild outbursts seem to be shifting to the northeast of the Yellowstone Caldera. This region could be the new locus of ...
The Yellowstone Caldera is the 1,350-square-mile crater in the western-central portion of the park that formed when this volcano cataclysmically erupted hundreds of thousands of years ago.
To time how fast a sprinter runs, you just need a stopwatch. To time how fast magma moves, you need to know a little bit ...
While Yellowstone is the centre of attention when the issue of supervolcanoes arises, scientists are focusing on another Californian behemoth. The Long Valley Caldera in northern California is waking ...
Not all mountains in the Yellowstone region are volcanic in origin. The Wind River Range, southeast of Yellowstone National ...
Left behind is a giant caldera, from the Spanish word for "cauldron." The "hot spot" responsible for the Yellowstone caldera has erupted dozens of times in the past, going back some 18 million years.
Yellowstone and Hawaiʻi. These systems a well known for producing large volumes of magma through time and leaving chains of volcanic features in their wake, although they do so in very different ways.
The long outline of the Yellowstone Caldera, nicely visible from the top of Mount Washburn, should be enough to remind us of that. In its aboriginal condition 640,000 years ago, the whole place ...
It was recently discovered by detailed satellite mapping that Yellowstone National Park sits on the largest caldera in North America. It measures 30 miles wide by 45 miles long. Subsequent ...
Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week's contribution is from Cathy Whitlock, Regents Professor ...
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