A WARN notice posted by the Department of Labor Monday revealed the extent of layoffs planned at the Wellsville manufacturer.
A candle company will lay off nearly half its workforce at its manufacturing site in Wellsville, according to a WARN notice ...
Northern Lights Candles will eliminate 38 of its 82 jobs at its location in Wellsville, according to a notice the company ...
Conversely, the warm glow that comes from the Himalayan salt lamp on my office desk or the charming little lamp set on my ...
CancerCare North Lancashire and South Cumbria are set to host Lights to Remember on Friday, April 25 in Lancaster. People are invited to attend a candle jar decorating session at the charity's Kendal ...
A candle is believed to be behind a blaze which ripped through the fifth floor of a block of flats on Wednesday night. Three people managed to escape the fire in Westbourne Park Road, Royal Oak, which ...
A new fire, symbolizing our eternal life in Christ, is kindled which lights the candle. The candle, representing Christ himself, is blessed by the priest who then inscribes in it a cross ...
Sierra Jones is the founder of LMNRY, and is the only black woman-owned business on historic Thames Street in Newport.