Atlas Air Worldwide and DHL have announced they will close their joint venture Polar Air Cargo after 17 years of operations. The companies have decided that Polar Air Cargo is no longer a strategic ...’s editors have made passing references in car reviews and elsewhere that we’d begun our own effort to measure vehicle cargo spaces. Now we’ve methodically recorded enough of them to ...
金士顿A400固态硬盘现在正在京东平台上进行促销,原价399元,现在只需398.9元即可入手。这款硬盘的身材是100mm x 69.9mm x 7mm,重量只有41g,非常轻巧方便携带。内部采用的是双通道群联Phison S11主控和TLC闪存,性能出色。硬盘有三种容量版本可供选择,其中120GB ...
cargo applet to build and install C-ABI compatible dynamic and static libraries. It produces and installs a correct pkg-config file, a static library and a dynamic library, and a C header to be used ...