This essential building block of your body serves a useful purpose. Your body contains three different types of cartilage—hyaline, elastic, and fibrous. Hyaline cartilage, also referred to as ...
Replacement cartilage engineered from the nasal septum -- the cartilage wall that separates the left and right airways in your nose -- can be used to repair even the most complex knee injuries, ...
Advances in spatial omics, such as transcriptomics and proteomics, have provided vital insights into cartilage microenvironments, revealing cellular diversity, zonal organization and links between ...
Cartilage development is the formation of cartilage by specialised cells called chondrocytes. These secrete large amounts of the cartilage extracellular matrix, which contains collagen and ...
Federal University of São Carlos, Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering, Rod. Washington Luís, km 235─Monjolinho, São Carlos, SP 13565-905, Brazil Federal University of São Carlos, ...
1997 Turkey collagen fibrils harbor strands of apatite nanocrystals that coalesce to form needles and platelets [75] Bonucci 2002 Demineralized cartilage reveals round mineralized nodules that may ...