Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
A major exhibition dedicated to baroque master Caravaggio has opened in Rome, Italy including normally out-of-reach works.
Sulpice, the Paris skyline symbolises the legacy left behind by Victor Hugo. Ahead of a new show opening at the Royal Academy, Michael Hodges follows the path of the celebrated French writer and ...
The city is just a two-hour flight from London, with planes also departing from Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham.
Rome has plenty of world-class art. To see one of the best-known private galleries, head to an elegant palace with incredible ...
Like many women artists of earlier centuries whose work has survived, Artemisia came from a family of artists. Born in Rome in 1593, she was the oldest and most artistically inclined child of the ...
From riot grrrl to hip-hop to Arkestra, the city’s smallest venues and largest stages won’t leave you wanting for live music ...
When traveling to Italy, Father Nugent invites travelers to approach their destinations from the perspective of a pilgrim.
Alberto Angela has made a career out of exploring his hometown. Here are his favourite spots to unearth Rome's millennia of ...
Still-life painting is one of the oldest genres in history, yet it is often dismissed as too simple and not serious enough to ...
Whether you are planning an extended weekend break or a longer trip, the celebration marking the end of Ramadan brings the ...
Two dozen works from museums and private collectors around the world are on display, with some reunited for the first time in ...