The term greenhouse gas often brings carbon dioxide (CO2) to mind, and rightly so, as it is a key contributor to rising ...
Indeed, tipping the drink to your mouth, further activates the effect. “The more you drink, the cooler the can should start to get”, explains Vyse. It’s a refreshing change from rushing to finish a ...
A study conducted by researchers from São Paulo State University (UNESP), in Brazil, and collaborators shows that lemon leafcutter ants (Atta sexdens ...
The Arizona Senate on Monday approved legislation that would make it illegal for a manufacturer to knowingly sell any ...
British Science Week has been in full flow this week at the Fylde Coast Academy Trust's Armfield Academy, with pupils across all years investigating the theme of ‘adapt and change’.
Characteristics of social immune memory were observed in colonies of Atta sexdens exposed to four different pathogenic fungi.
Glioblastoma has remained one of the toughest cancers to treat, resisting even the latest advances in immunotherapy.
Glioblastoma has remained one of the toughest cancers to treat, resisting even the latest advances in immunotherapy. But new ...
I’m talking to Evan Smith, the cofounder and CEO of Altana, a company that makes software to track and manage the global supply chain. Smith started Altana in 2019 because he predicted that the first ...
Scientists discovered that polar bear fur’s oily coating prevents ice from sticking, thanks to a unique mix of lipids. This ...
But… Apparently, Instagram is now experimenting with AI-generated comments on posts, so you don’t even have to come up with an opinion, or an original thought of your own, in order to respond to an ...
He’s risen to fame for his attempts to fight aging — but experts aren’t convinced by the millionaire’s ‘rejuvenation’ claims ...