b) This model is applicable for ideal behavior, because the gases used in the system are considered to be ideal gases and equation used for these gases is the ideal gas equation ... thermodynamic ...
What coral researchers could really use is a computer model that simulates how polyps grow into complex structures from simple physical rules. Such a tool could help them understand how reef ...
Chemical engineers develop products and processes that improve the well-being of humanity and touch every aspect of our lives. From discovering new materials and developing new vaccines to solving ...
A new study published in Engineering explores the significance of mixing intensification in advanced materials manufacturing.
Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the processes (production, transformation, transportation and usage) necessary to produce useful materials and energy. Chemical ...
Biophysics Graduate Program, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, United States Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, United States ...
Results from a structural equation model indicated the IUVI was associated with improved utility perceptions and final exam scores; however, these improvements were potentially independent of each ...
Since physical and chemical erosion yield comparable carbon fluxes, studying both together is essential to avoid biases in erosion-driven carbon flux estimates.
The sequence contained a promising new genetic tool for modifying DNA, a CRISPR. Editas Medicine, a Massachusetts-based ...
At long last, a refreshed Tesla Model Y has arrived. For 2026, the electric crossover gets its first meaningful update since it went on sale way back in 2020. The big question is: Is it enough?
With the theoretical part extended, this paper would be of interest to cell biologists and biophysicists working on asymmetric partitioning during cell division. Asymmetric partition of fate ...