Climate-change policy encompasses policies formulated specifically to tackle climate change and can be local, national or international in scope. These broadly fall into two categories; those ...
This Perspective highlights links between gender inequality and climate change adaptation and mitigation, and proposes a roadmap for incorporating gender issues into the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.
The climate crisis is amplifying displacement and making life harder for those already forced to flee. Climate change and displacement are increasingly interconnected. As extreme weather events and ...
The steps we take now will protect our communities, our livelihoods, our environment and our economy. We are actively investing in climate change adaptation to proactively support community-led ...
Sponsored by the Adaptation Fund. See our supporters page for what this means. Climate change has a habit of exploiting weaknesses. Existing problems are made worse and new ones are created in its ...
Members shared their views on issues such as the Global Goal on Adaptation, the new fund for loss and damage, the participation of Indigenous Peoples, and the engagement with youth and other ...
See how IIED is working with diverse partners, including governments, donors, academia and other NGOs, to promote locally-led approaches that advance justice and resilience for people, climate and ...