Site plans for a package delivery facility in Essex include several references to Amazon, including renderings of Amazon ...
After nearly a year and a half of fits and starts on the installation of a splash pad at Whalley Park, the chair of the Parks ...
A large housing development proposed in Edgartown will soon be undergoing the Martha’s Vineyard Commission public hearing process. Nearly 300 bedrooms in a variety of styles of housing are being ...
Wichita Falls city councilors on Tuesday approved a pair of private-public deals to facilitate construction of a Winco ...
The construction of South Silver Spring Urban Park is set to move forward. Located at 1110 East-West Highway in downtown Silver Spring, the new park will offer various amenities, including a ...
SH25 Hikuai: Work to replace a culvert at Boom Stream Bridge is underway. This will involve shoulder closures and a temporary ...
EDCO Products plans a 240,000-sq-ft office-warehouse in Chaska, replacing its Hopkins site. The project aims to expand ...
The Transit Committee today received an update on the progress of the O-Train East and West Extensions, preparations for the launch of New Ways to Bus, and an update on fare compliance initiatives.
Palm Coast City Council workshop, Mayor Mike Norris said, “We're going to force lifetime residents of Florida and Flagler ...
Construction of England's largest onshore wind farm has taken a step forward with Rochdale Council set to consider the renewable energy developer’s application to build a temporary meteorological mast ...