In 2016, corn planted behind the three cover crops matched or outyielded corn that followed the double-cropped soybeans. The second chart shows what Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie calls ...
Wisconsin's winter wheat faces potential winterkill due to prolonged cold and minimal snow cover. Assessing stands in early spring is crucial for farmers to determine crop viability. Without snow's ...
Soil-health farmers and researchers will lead a free workshop focused on incorporating cover crops into a farming operation and seeking to diverse crops this month at Riverland Community College in ...
Farming is a risky business. Growing food for sale has always been subject to unpredictable weather conditions, shifts in ...
A nine-year study comparing a typical two-year corn and soybean rotation with a more intensive three-year rotation involving ...
Doug Rebout, who was elected last month as the president of the Wisconsin Soybean Association, agreed that the EU’s proposed ...
Annual ryegrass is fast-growing and easier to establish by broadcast seeding than other grass cover crops. It needs to be planted earlier than cereal rye to get good fall cover. Ryegrass is conducive ...
As America’s farmers and ranchers face tighter margins, an Ohio farmer says prioritizing diversification in crop production could help strengthen producer profitability.  Fred Yoder says it is a ...
Vance Johnson and Andy Linder share the impact that using conservation practices has made on their farm economics.
The use of a strip-till cultivator has halved the number of maize establishment passes and more than doubled work rate at a ...
With a college degree under his belt, Aaron Krueger put together a fleet of equipment and returned to his grandfather's ...
Jennifer Gilkerson never imagined that her West Virginia farm’s freeze-dried fruits would get caught up in political fights ...