The emergence of bird flu in Florida, particularly its impact on dolphins, raises concerns about potential human transmission ...
Along with almost 100,000 dead in Florida from COVID-19, the virus' imprint on schools, workplaces and politics lingers after five years.
The real-estate boom sparked by the 2020 arrival of coronavirus pandemic has had lasting effects on Palm Beach real estate.
For more coverage about the pandemic, visit our coronavirus hub. 3 vaccineshave been determined by the FDA to provide benefits that outweigh known and potential risks The first vaccine to be ...
With the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic fading even as the coronavirus persists and evolves ... The 33-foot Corsair, on loan from Florida, had to be “rigged up on skates” to get to ...
On Jan. 21, the first confirmed Covid-19 case in the U.S. was disclosed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, when an infected traveler returned to Washington state from Wuhan, China.