A discovery about the dark fur of early mammals confirms long-held theories about their evolutionary and ecological behavior.
Thrips are tiny insects—their sizes range between 0.5mm and 15mm in length and many are shorter than 5mm. But the damage they ...
Miners Looking for Ammonite Stumble on Rare Complete Fossils of 'Ocean Predators' From 100 Million Years Ago Evidence of ...
New research suggests that Earth’s orbital variations—the slow changes in its tilt, axial precession, and shape of its ...
Palaeontologists are captivated by the size of record-breaking dinosaurs worldwide. Through measuring bone proportions and ...
An incredible discovery has taken place in a forest in Montouliers, France, when a 25-year-old amateur paleontologist, Damien Boschetto, managed to find an almost complete fossil, ...
Cindy Jenson-Elliott releases her 18th children’s nonfiction book, ‘The Doomsday Detectives,’ about the dinosaurs’ extinction ...
While modern trees like maples and ashes have switched to wind pollination — releasing clouds of pollen to be scattered at ...
Scientists have discovered South Africa’s youngest known dinosaur tracks along the remote coastline of the Western Cape. The newly identified footprints, estimated to be around 140 million years old, ...
Dinosaurs are the extinct relatives of birds that roamed the lands and seas of ancient Earth. They first appeared around 240 ...
New simulations reveal that the climate, atmospheric chemistry and even global photosynthesis would be dramatically disrupted by an asteroid collision ...