Content in this section is provided by the school. The Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Columbia College builds administrative skills specifically designed for the criminal justice field.
It is anticipated that the master’s and certificate programs will serve four types of students: Those seeking a terminal master’s degree as a prerequisite for entry into the criminal justice field.
This degree will be of considerable relevance and interest to those who are already employed in criminal justice-related work in fields such as legal practice, government, non-governmental ...
Council’s plea was entered before U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson in the District of Columbia. He faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and up to three years ...
Through our curriculum, students gain a background in the history and philosophy of the legal and criminal justice systems while exploring current trends ... to explore career options and gain ...
BIRN talks to Lucie Hrda, a Czech lawyer who became known for championing the rights of victims of sexual and domestic abuse, but has faced a backlash recently for representing – as a defence attorney ...