Royalty-free licenses let you pay once to use copyrighted images and video clips in personal and commercial projects on an ongoing basis without requiring additional payments each time you use that ...
I review privacy tools like hardware security keys, password managers, private messaging apps and ad-blocking software. I also report on online scams and offer advice to families and individuals ...
In 2023, the regulator told Network Rail that “ongoing non-compliance” with its own standards regarding data collection on the condition of structures could lead to undetected faults and ...
The Rise of IoT & Big Data in Rail has firmly established itself as the rail sector’s trusted meeting place for business leaders to gain a clear and pragmatic idea about the industry’s digital ...
With ClosedXML.Report, you can easily export any data from your .NET classes to Excel using the XLSX-template. Excel is an excellent alternative to common report generators, and using Excel’s built-in ...
THE Philippines’ Department of Transportation (DOTr) has awarded Thales a €156m contract for the supply of integrated communications and supervision (ICS) systems and an automatic fare collection (AFC ...
Thales has been selected to implement a fare collection system on Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon, the city's new metro. The initial 6.1km section will connect to the Delhi Metro network at Sikanderpur, and ...