Myopathy refers to diseases of skeletal muscles (muscles connected to bone). The condition can be acute (meaning sudden, severe, and short-lasting) or chronic (persistent, recurrent, and often ...
From 2010 to 2022, 12% of patients in a U.S. database underwent delayed surgery for distal radius fractures. Smoking status, comorbidities, insurance type and geographic region were associated ...
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. (B.A., B.M., S.A.M., C.T., A.G., R.T.C., H.C., C.A.J., A.S ...
Distal weakness, mostly affecting the small hand muscles, generally an extremely rare presentation of myopathy, was identified in several patients with IBMPFD. Approximately half of our patients ...
The acronym CRIMYNE (critical illness myopathy and/or neuropathy) identified the current study among the participating ... Muscle atrophy, reduced or absent deep tendon reflexes and distal sensory ...
The evidence supporting the efficacy of exercise therapy for patients with PAD dates back to 1966 when 6 months of unsupervised intermittent walking exercise was demonstrated to improve time walked to ...
8 The possibility of a diagnosis of DM2—previously known as proximal myotonic myopathy—should also be given consideration. DM2 is characterized by proximal and distal weakness associated with ...
In the mild and moderate stages of dementia abnormal gait unexplained by lower-level disorders (such as arthritis, polyneuropathy, radiculopathy, myopathy ... in the distal parts of the limbs ...
The woody breast (WB) myopathy poses significant economic and welfare concerns to the poultry industry, however, there is no effective strategy to mitigate this pathology due to its unknown etiology.
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of systemic autoimmune inflammatory disorders characterised by symmetrical skeletal muscle weakness and accelerated fatigue also in the early ...