Story by Amy Kingm M.Sc.
Some dog breeds are on the brink of extinction; their numbers are dwindling due to limited breeding, low populations, and lack of awareness. Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good ...
All puppies are adorable — let’s be clear, but not all will grow up and retain their childish good looks. Some dogs actually grow up and bear no resemblance to their younger selves. Here’s a look at ...
These dog breeds could make you stand out from the crowd. We're a nation of dog lovers, but with so many dog breeds out there to choose from, it can sometimes be difficult to know which ones would ...
2/7 The Maltese is considered one of the most gentle of the small dog breeds, and are particularly known for their ability to slot into a family with children. Intelligent, obedient and ...
Here’s a look at the puppy and adult versions of 14 dog breeds that literally look nothing alike from puppyhood to adulthood.
That's why not everyone is a fan of shows like Westminster. But others say there are good reasons for preserving dog breeds and looks are not the only thing judges are looking for. These dogs also ...
While all dogs have unique personalities, certain breeds are more predisposed to forming strong bonds with other dogs, making them ideal companions in multi-pet households. Whether you’re considering ...
Getty Images/iStockphoto A dog attacked a woman in the backyard of a home, severely injuring her, California officials told news outlets. A neighbor’s 911 call alerted authorities to the attack ...