February is the shortest month of the year. And hey, if you need a laugh to get through it, we’ve rounded up some funny Dry January tweets to keep your spirits (pun intended) high.
A boozeless month will have knocked that tolerance down, so drinking again after Dry January hits a lot harder—especially if you go right back to your normal quantity. It’s the same reason ...
Dry January can turn some folks into sobriety evangelists: They dropped the booze and found their skin brighter, their energy boundless, their focus sharper, or some other life-changing effect that ...
In the past few weeks, Roger and Gail Greene have started to see something a little funny through the window of their home: A flock of robins feasting on berries in their yard were stumbling ...
Dry January may already be a distant memory ... In the meantime, there are more pressing matters for the booze business: While drinking is falling out of favor across all generations, the most ...
There are the people doing Dry January ... they're excited that all the January teetotaling means smaller bar crowds. But increasingly, the sober/drinking split is stretching beyond the confines ...
Dry January may already be a distant memory ... In the meantime, there are more pressing matters for the booze business: While drinking is falling out of favor across all generations, the ...
Start your journey any time. Thinking about trying Dry January? Giving up alcohol for a month can be a challenge, both personally and socially. What’s going to replace that nice glass of wine after ...
For those who managed to complete Dry January, it can be difficult to try and find a balance once you start drinking again. You may feel as though your drinking tolerance is not what it used to be ...
Maybe you just made it through dry January or are contemplating taking ... of overindulgence or as an opportunity to check in with drinking habits. The health benefits of cutting out alcohol ...