While this fraction is relatively low given how common super-Earths and mini-Neptunes are, it implies an occurrence rate of approximately one Earth-like planet per 300 sun-like stars." Looking ...
Some researchers now propose that these irregularities could indicate the presence of an undiscovered Earth-like planet. The Kuiper Belt extends from approximately 50 astronomical units (AU ...
An elusive Earth-like planet in our solar system could finally be discovered within the next few years. Known as Planet Nine or Planet X, it is a hypothetical planet that has long been rumoured to ...
While this fraction is relatively low given how common super-Earths and mini-Neptunes are, it implies an occurrence rate of approximately one Earth-like planet per 300 sun-like stars." Looking ...
In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers from the University of California, Berkeley have identified an Earth-sized planet orbiting a white dwarf star approximately 4,000 light-years away in the ...
NASA scientists have discovered what they suspect is the hypervelocity star racing through space with a Neptune-like planet ... sun's mass and a planet 29 times as massive as Earth.
The team's paper is a collaboration between physicists and geobiologists, each learning from each other's fields to develop a nuanced picture of how life evolves on a planet like Earth.