"When I saw some of these athletes carrying their own bag and or pushing a cart ... The electric pushcart caddies will be supplied by the Australian company MGI Golf, one of the world's leading ...
CART (61-102) (Rat) 具有多个半胱氨酸残基,可能形成二硫键从而稳定其空间结构。整体可能呈现出一定的折叠或螺旋结构,以利于与受体等分子进行特异性结合。 作用机理及研究进展 作用机理:CART 肽是一种神经肽,CART (61-102) (Rat) 可能通过与特定的受体结合 ...
He's never finished outside the top 10 in his 14 LIV Golf tournaments that he's finished; the only thing that stopped him was a foot injury that forced him to WD in Houston last year. Cleeks GC's ...
CART (55-102) (rat) 含有多个半胱氨酸,形成了三对二硫键,分别是第 14 位与第 32 位半胱氨酸之间、第 20 位与第 40 位半胱氨酸之间 、第 34 位与第 47 位半胱氨酸之间,这些二硫键对于维持其特定的空间结构和生物活性至关重要。从整体结构上看,它具有特定的折叠 ...
“We love it because it’s different, because it’s a new anti-SUV template, because it’s fun to be in and around… [and] the seven-seat version has unlocked the Buzz’s potential making ...
Two of our favourite small cars, up! and Polo, are being remastered for the electric age. Even as spicy GTIs. Plus, other famous names like Golf, Tiguan and Passat are here to stay. Now that might ...