"Hi, I'm Arnie, and I’m here to bring you the wildest internet moments, viral stories, and crazy challenges! Be sure to follow me right here on Epic Reactions for all the fun!
Chernobyl’s Elephant’s Foot is one of the most radioactive objects on Earth. Just five minutes near it can be fatal, making it a chilling reminder of nuclear disaster.
In this post we’ll get to know elephants, the largest land animal to walk our planet, a little bit better and uncover the largest elephant ever recorded. Have you ever wondered how big an elephant can ...
Elephant's feet can sense vibration from miles away and it helps them to communicate with other elephants. Horse feet have Hooves which act like shock absorbers which allow them to run fast and jump ...
causing skull injury An adult elephant died after it slipped and fell off the trail into a 70-foot deep gorge in Tamil Nadu while searching for food, forest department officials said. The incident ...
When money is no object, hotel suites can become more than just a place to sleep. Often priced per night at more than the average family spends on their entire vacation, these ...