The choice to extend antlerless elk hunting in some areas of the province has opened up a pit in one hunter’s stomach. Lionel ...
Whitmer's budget proposes raising an extra $28.9 million by hiking hunting, fishing and watercraft fees. But getting details ...
This past year’s reproduction for elk in the southern West Virginia coalfields ... t expect any wholesale transfers, ” he explained. Hunting and fishing regualtion changes are minimal for ...
A three-year assessment of elk in Washington’s Blue Mountains produced unclear results, leaving wildlife managers ...
The reason for the difference: Elk have a vocal fan club within the state’s big-game hunting community. But the threat of brucellosis remains real. South of Yellowstone, in the state of Wyoming ...
This bill creates an incentive for landowners to harbor huge elk herds to profit off of them. SB 270 would allow wealthy landowners who restrict all public hunting access to pick and choose who ...
If you are selected in the drawing, you must have an elk hunting license, which costs $49. Before obtaining your license, you will be required to participate in a Wisconsin elk hunter education ...
The second calls for mandating that non-residents who apply for the elk-license drawing also purchase a general non-resident hunting license, a mandate that would increase the cost on non ...
Gretchen Whitmer's proposed state budget for 2026 calls for nearly $30 million in ... and the fee for an elk hunting license from $100 to $150. For an all-species fishing license, the bill would ...