Alexandra makes it through (after proving she can read and verbally emasculate a corrupt official), but she still has to get ...
Episode 3 of 1923 was intense. Not only did we finally get a resolution to last week’s wolf attack, Alexandra finally arrived ...
Between 1892 and 1954, more than twelve million immigrants passed through the U.S. immigration portal at Ellis Island, enshrining it as an icon of America's welcome. That story is well known.
Schlaepfer's character is sexually assaulted when she reaches Ellis Island, in hopes of reuniting with her American husband ...
But, this being the 1920s, there was racialist nonsense ... One hundred years ago this Sunday, the Ellis Island wave of immigration was brought to an end. And all Americans are better for it.
Watchorn, former commissioner of immigration at Ellis Island, gave the Lincoln Memorial Shrine to Redlands in 1932.
Ellis Island and Manhattan's sprawling patchwork of ethnic neighborhoods — for much of the 20th century (specifically, from the late 1920s to the early 1970s) New York had been an American-born ...
Ellis Island ceased to be an immigration port in 1954. But while it remains central to one of New York's most iconic images, its historic ownership retains its mystery - with a Welsh twist.
From 1892 immigrants were taken to Ellis Island in New York to be 'processed'. They received a medical inspection and if they failed they were sent back to where they came from. For these ...
The performance, titled Ellis Island, will not only feature the orchestra but also incorporate spoken word and ensemble actors to bring to life powerful immigration stories. The presentation aims ...
From 1910 to 1940, tens of thousands of immigrants entered the West Coast of the United States through the Angel Island Immigration Station ... Comparatively, Ellis Island received about 12 million ...