The helicopter was still sitting on the first hole of the course Tuesday, as the Federal Aviation Administration investigates what forced it to make an emergency landing there. Craan was playing ...
A wild scene Monday afternoon after a sightseeing helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing on a South Side golf course. The Chicago Fire Department said that a helicopter made a ...
Emergency crews in Lismore, New South Wales, rescued a trapped driver from floodwaters on March 10, as Alfred’s remnants continued to batter the region. Footage of the operation, captured by an RFS ...
A mother from the North East of Scotland has thanked hero medics for their life-saving ... Ms Wood dialled 999 and explained the emergency. She explained: “They kept me calm and said that ...
A new mental health campaign has been launched for Australia's emergency services workers. R U OK announced the 'Are They Triple OK' initiative on Wednesday, following a landmark beyondblue report ...
An Aberdeenshire mum who feared her daughter could be left with brain damage after suffering a seizure has thanked the heroic helicopter medics who saved her life ... Katrina dialled 999 and explained ...