English Language Institute partnership brings Korean teachers to campus for immersive professional development ...
A new report from researchers of English learners finds teachers have concerns with how they’re told to implement policies.
In California, there are designated English Language Development classes, but English language development is also integrated ...
Experts spoke with Education Week about the potential challenges and opportunities an official U.S. language creates.
Educators are divided along political lines on rights for English learners and immigrant students, an EdWeek Research Center ...
The English/Language Arts Teaching major blends knowledge of English studies and methods of teaching language arts, including courses on teaching multicultural literature, young adult literature, and ...
Teach english online for any of the 16 companies highlighted in this post. These are all home-based jobs, and the compan ...
It’s not about teaching something different from what ... are encroaching or replacing the required time for English language development, and that materials are not culturally inclusive or ...
The Maine Council for English Language Arts is proud to announce the recipient of the inaugural MCELA Teacher of Excellence ...
Making and analyzing art helps students learn English on a more personal and emotional level than traditional approaches do.
Everyone in my family called me unrealistic for teaching my kid English from when she was only a baby.
Ultimately, the hope is to create more opportunities for community members whose first language isn’t English.