The 3 Wise Men (Los Reyes Magos) is the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ and the journey of the 3 Wise Men who brought him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The story also delves ...
While some traditions link Epiphany with the “wise men” from the East who sojourned ... commonly featured in modern-day Nativity scenes. 3. Were the Magi bringing gifts or medicine?
The Nativity story of the Wise Men and their star ... school Nativity plays and again at Epiphany. WR Rodgers re-imagined the Christmas story of the wise men and their visit to Bethlehem in ...
Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas, on 6 January, and commemorates the visit of the wise men to the infant Jesus. Epiphany literally means 'revealed', and this day also marks the day ...