Schools around the world have closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, leaving parents and teachers scrambling to figure out how kids can learn at home. We can help! Science News Explores and the ...
Science for Kids Visit the website for step-by-step directions. All links will open in the same tab. 1. Make a Hologram Using a Phone from The Crafty Blog Stalker Impress your friends with this ...
Encourage children to love science by showing them the world in miniature with some of the best microscopes for kids — here are our favorite models. The best microscopes for kids allow children ...
The Kids & Chemistry program offers hands-on activity guides ... of chemistry to create slime with the properties they desire. Investigate the secret science in self-inflating balloons with students ...
Are your kids a little nervous for that first day back? Get them in a mellow mood with this groovy lava lamp experiment. Plus they’ll learn about the scientific properties of oil and water.