A test pilot who made the jump from the now fifty-year-old F-16 to the new F-35 stealth fighter told Business Insider that it is a wildly different experience. Think about the informational ...
Through technological updates and kit upgrades like the Scorpion HMD kit, the Air Force seeks to extend the useful service life of the F-22 as it debates its replacement.
The F-35 is a byproduct of a world order in which America was the uncontested superpower. But those days are long over. People forget, too, that in the 1990s when the plane was being developed ...
This means that the Chinese fighter jet excels in dogfighting while the American F-35 excels in remaining undetected. The helmet-mounted display of the Indian F-35 and the AIM-9X Sidewinder ...
Business Insider recently sat down with a test pilot for the F-35 stealth fighter jet. She explained what it was like to jump from flying older F-16s to the fifth-generation aircraft. The biggest ...