Melasma is a common skin condition that causes patches of darker skin to form, often on the face. It tends to occur in areas with more sun exposure. Melasma is not harmful, but it may affect how a ...
Furthermore, the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) enthesitis score evaluating 16 sites, an 18-site fibromyalgia tender point count ... Since no studies have compared a PsA ...
Heartbreaking new photos reveal a 'bumpy' giraffe covered with hundreds of skin lesions due to a rare viral disease. The unfortunate creature was spotted in Kruger National Park, South Africa by ...
Removing a small part of the brain can be a safe and effective way of stopping them - but if radiologists cannot see the tiny lesions on brain scans, diagnosis, treatment and surgery can be delayed.
In giraffes, papillomaviruses cause scaly lesions on the skin that spread over time, sometimes merging into larger masses. "New lesions begin as a thickened plaque on the skin," Campling said.
Read more here. Building a skin-care routine for teens and tweens can seem complicated. Puberty is often the first time kids are dealing with acne, blackheads, dry patches, and the general roller ...