The reading at Tech was the first time they read together in many years, which Chang noted in the introduction of the poets. Siken went first, reading poems out of his upcoming book “I Do Know Some ...
Vote for your favorite poem in the Gaithersburg Book Festival's high school poetry contest before May 9 at 11 p.m.
The Wayne Theatre hosted the 20th Annual Poetry Out Loud state finals and a Fredericksburg Academy senior will advance to ...
Coaches who use texts as tools for executive training courses have told me that asking business leaders to choose and read poems aloud ... Deborah first met Mark when she was a finalist for ...
Since October, on the second Sunday of every month, Victoria Hood and Z Lavway have co-organized a lineup of local writers and authors to share their work. The pair wanted to open up the experience to ...
At the age of 7, Ashley Jones dressed as Harriet Tubman and recited lines of Eloise Greenfield's poem about the abolitionist and conductor of the Underground Railroad to her second grade class in ...
Godfrey-Lee’s youngest students are learning integrity, acceptance and confidence in a new character development class at the ...
The “Project Fear” moniker was first coined in 2018 by the pro-Brexit Conservative politician Jacob Rees-Mogg. In interviews at the time, Rees-Mogg would also call Carney a “second-tier Canadian ...
BANGOR, Maine — Reading poems, prose and more, the Queen City Scribe Series brings ... Murray is no stranger to sharing their work, they have been doing so since the second grade, but the open mic ...
And indeed there will be time to discuss this, the most mid-life white-guy crisis poem of all. Lisa Schmeiser discusses T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1915).