For nurses, servers, construction workers, and many others, work means a lot of time on their feet. Repeated motions can lead ...
Also known as nerve gliding, here’s how to determine if this practice is right for you and the best moves for alleviating aches.
Metatarsalgia causes pain and inflammation in the ball of ... Morton's neuroma is caused by a nerve in your foot that becomes inflamed, while metatarsalgia is typically caused by another foot ...
Type 2 diabetes can have a harmful impact on the body if blood sugar levels are left unchecked, but the symptoms can be hard ...
Let's face it ... nerve pain can REALLY get on your nerves. Sometimes it happens when nerves get compressed and irritated, causing a sharp, shooting pain. Or it could be from nerve damage ...
When irritated, pinched or tethered, the nerve root to the sciatic nerve can give off symptoms such as numbness, tingling, burning, pain and aching ... and even into the foot.
In fact, gluteal IM injection that led to sciatic nerve injury most often presented as paralytic drop foot (Mayer & Romain, 2001; Sobel, Huang, & Wieting, 1997). Children who present with drop ...
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Aberdeen, Dr Mary Joan McLeod, defines pain as "the stimulation of the nerve endings, either due to swelling or release of ...
Peripheral neuropathy is a complex condition that affects the communication between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of ...