Remote, wild, and scenic – this sums up Umpqua National Forest in a nutshell. We overshot our initial camping spot near a ...
The forest department has given the contract to a private agency, which is felling the trees and taking the trunks away. The roots are not being cleared, which is essential for clearing the weed.
Maintaining the country's forests takes an army of Forest Service workers ... Corney noted part of his job was picking up trash and clearing trails so people could "access the wilderness.
This camp worries that the state won’t be responsive after the clearing is done; and there are looming questions about to what historic period the forest should actually be restored.
Track wildfire activity across the state with this interactive map. Description: The Texas A&M Forest Service crews ... lines using a bulldozer, clearing all grass, brush, and debris away from ...
All wildfires across North Carolina's National Forests have been contained or mostly contained, according to a 1:45 p.m. news release from the U.S. Forest Service on March 4. The Falls Dam Fire, ...
Track wildfire activity across the state with this interactive map. Description: The Texas A&M Forest Service crews ... lines using a bulldozer, clearing all grass, brush, and debris away from ...
The state’s plan to cut nearly 175 acres of pine plantations in the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest was presented in a small ...
23—Fischer Gangemi never really considered a career outside of the Forest Service ... ranger with the Spotted Bear Ranger District, clearing trails and picking up unburied human waste in ...