Economic progress cannot be halted in the name of environmental purity. At the same time, ecological concerns must not be ...
Himachal Pradesh aims to become a green state by 2027 through initiatives like afforestation, promoting natural farming, and ...
Chief minister Mohan Yadav’s fresh instructions come against the backdrop of his decision to not pursue a draft forest ...
The Supreme Court criticized the Uttarakhand government for misusing CAMPA funds meant for forest re-creation on ...
New Delhi: Mobility projects emerged as the largest recipients of proceeds from India’s sovereign green bonds since their introduction in FY23, with the government prioritizing sustainable ...
AMERICAN president Donald Trump’s ascendancy was an opportunity for Australia to push back on the European Union’s Defforestation Regulation, Senate Estimates was told yesterday. Nationals Senator ...
The city had previously signed an agreement with the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation to receive $1 million from for an urban forestation program, with the money to be supplied by the U.S. Forest ...
Purchase of iPhones, laptops, fridges and coolers; renovation of buildings; court cases – these were some of the areas where funds allocated for compensatory afforestation were diverted by Uttarakhand ...