Discover the unexpected reasons behind breast and nipple itching, from simple skin irritation to more serious concerns that warrant medical attention.
Meningitis pada anak bisa disebabkan oleh virus atau bakteri. Komplikasi penyakit ini bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Baca ...
GPs are failing to spot the symptoms of a drug-resistant 'super-fungus' thought to be spreading throughout the UK, experts ...
Before you completely throw in the towel on resolving that *one* body thing you've always dealt with...try one of these. View ...
Over the course of several weeks, Nigerians confirmed the deaths of at least 26 due to outbreak of meningitis. In Kerala, ...
Many people across the world suffer from the extremely common hair problem, which could be aggravated by a vitamin deficiency ...
You may require a blood test, as this is the main way doctors check for any vitamin deficiencies - some of which are linked to poor skin, like dandruff.