Agilent J&W HP-5ms has very low bleed characteristics that are ideal for GC/MS.The column has excellent inertness for active compounds, including acidic and basic compounds, and improved signal-to ...
Analysts interested in quantifying volatile organic compounds or pesticides in liquid samples should consider using the gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) system. The gas chromatography ...
Agilent J&W DB-624 is recommended for EPA methods 502.2 and 8021, as well as for fast GC/MS volatiles analysis. It is specifically designed for the analysis of volatile priority pollutants and ...
Our lab is a shared analytical facility for multidisciplinary and collaborative ... operations in organic geochemistry and compound-specific isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Gas chromatography (GC) ...
Excellent characterization facilities (including a 500 MHz solution NMR spectrometer, IR, Raman, GC/HPLC-MS) are made available through the Magnetic Resonance Research Resource (NMR3) within the ...
Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) is a mass spectrometry company that launches, manages, and commercializes scalable companies based on its innovative core technology through its wholly owned subsidiaries.
In this interview clip, Katelynn Perrault Uptmor, an assistant professor of chemistry at the College of William & Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia, discusses winning the Emerging Leader in ...