Study in mice and human cadavers hints that a brain-protective gene in the chromosome becomes more active with age.
Beauty and brains that age slowly — turns out that women can have it all! Men have an X and a Y chromosome, while women have ...
Transposons have been found clustered at the chromosome ends in eukaryotic cells, but this is the first time it's been ...
Females, on average, live nearly five years longer than males. They also tend to experience age-related cognitive decline at ...
Transposons, or "jumping genes"—DNA segments that can move from one part of the genome to another—are key to bacterial evolution and the development of antibiotic resistance. Cornell ...
For one, inserting at the end of the chromosome helps the transposon avoid genes for the cell's core functioning, which reside in the middle of the chromosomes; transposons that can target the ...
DNA segments that can move from one part of the genome to another – are key to bacterial evolution and the development of antibiotic resistance. Cornell University researchers have discovered a new ...