The launch proceeded smoothly, with the rocket being monitored by the ground automated control system of the German Titov Main Test Space Center.
Proxima Fusion, a Munich-based nuclear fusion technology company, aims to start a test reactor in 2031 as it works towards commercial electricity production later in that decade, its chief executive ...
Police officers from Koh Phangan Police Station have arrested two Indian men suspected in the rape case of a German female tourist. Both suspects have given conflicting statements while officials are ...
This has never happened before, and here it is again! So far, the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), a ...
The all-new G90 BMW M5 plug-in hybrid (PHEV) is a prime example of German efficiency at its very best. Getting a sedan ...
Though many men have contributed to the design of the bolt-action centerfire rifle, none have done as much as Paul and ...
The German Shepherd Skaye, born in Matanzas and trained by Cuban Ale Sabina, has made a historic mark in the demanding world ...
ZF has received authorisation from the regulatory agency KBA to test a Level 4 system for autonomous driving on public roads throughout Germany. Previously, ...
BMW this year will launch its new generation of EVs, known as Neue Klasse, starting with the production of an SUV based on ...
Test how „gut“ your German is: Are you just starting out, pretty good or really great? This test gives you a first orientation.
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG’s (HHLA) Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA) has received funding from the German Federal ...