One powerlifter academic may have found a way to build lifelong, full-body strength and stability in a very old and rare source.
from being flexible enough to adapt to the writing styles of different fields. So, when it suits your purpose, you will probably need to break some of the old rules, such as the rule that prohibit ...
In a second person narrative the reader is addressed directly as if they are involved in the story. When writing fiction, a writer carefully chooses the point of view. A point of view is the persp ...
Many students are taught never to use the first person (i.e., I or we) in academic writing. While the use of the first person has historically been rare, the practice has changed in recent years. The ...
I was doing my PHD in writing, so I finished my PHD ... just because you don't speak or you might be half, you can be a Greek person. Press Play on the main photo to listen the podcast (in ...
Update 2025: This podcast credits Costas Markos with discovering that George Manuel was the first Greek Australian, which occurred in 2020 and was published in Neos Kosmos in January 2021.