Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
These manuscripts show that the Septuagint with ... favored the shorter Hebrew Canon. Some Church fathers like Ambrose and Augustine favored the larger canon of the Septuagint.
Other inscriptions say things like “here is where scorpions are born” or this inscription over a largely empty Africa, “it is ...
The exhibition You Shall Not Make an Image. Commandments, Everyday Life and Change is a great opportunity to get versed in the history of Jewish culture and art , it also brings to mind the ...
An international team of researchers claims that a boat-shaped mound 18 miles (30km) south of Mount Ararat in Turkey is ...
The letter in which Sir Isaac Newton predicted that the world would end in 2060 remains on display at Jerusalem's Hebrew University. First exhibited to the public in 2007, the letter became widely ...
Dr. Sam Thomas has worked as a professor of theology at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks for 18 years, but he ...
They mainly translated the Hebrew law, or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible today ... The Septuagint has helped scholars determine which manuscripts are most reliable, giving a ...
In later centuries, Makkah came to be revered as the centre of the world (if not the universe), as illustrated in the ...
Three shows use the university’s collections to look at its history of collecting art and teaching art history.