In 2013, the China-Laos Joint Lab for Renewable Energy Utilization and Cooperative Development was established through a partnership between China's Yunnan Normal University and the Renewable Energy a ...
In 2024, the sales revenues of China's high-tech sectors grew 9.6 percentage points faster than the overall national growth rate, reflecting the rapid development of innovative industries. The sales ...
Hangzhou is emerging as a global technology hub, fueled by the rapid rise of innovative local startups such as DeepSeek, ...
Incredibile ma vero: le performance di Borsa delle banche europee stracciano quelle dell'high tech dell'America. E son o ...
The development and application of robots, particularly humanoid robots, are crucial to the evolution of social labor ...
中国加强稀土出口管制的消息一经传出,立即引发了国际市场的强烈反应。稀土作为高科技产业和清洁能源领域的关键材料,其供应紧张可能导致相关产业的生产成本上升,甚至出现供应链中断的风险。 美国和欧盟对中国稀土出口管制表示高度关注。稀土是制造电动汽车电池、风力涡轮机和军事装备的重要材料,而欧美国家在这些领域对中国稀土的依赖度较高。美国能源部曾多次警告,稀土供应链的脆弱性可能威胁到美国的国家安全和经济竞争力。
中彩网通控股(08071.HK)公布,于2025年1月24日,51信用卡(02051.HK)及其间接全资附属51RENPIN拟向Qichen High-Tech Management Consulting Ltd.及山东启辰中科投资控股有限公司合共出售约13.59亿股公司股份,占公司截至本公告日期的已发行股本约29.00%,总代价为2175万港元。
Forest City, a $100 billion project by China in Malaysia, was supposed to revolutionize urban living with its eco-friendly and high-tech design. But years later, it remains mostly empty. This video de ...
近年来,乐山高新区全面贯彻新发展理念,紧紧围绕企业发展这一关键要素,通过多维度、深层次、全方位的服务举措,激发企业内生动力与创新活力,为区域经济的高质量、可持续发展注入强劲动力。 平台搭建,政企沟通。由乐山高新区领导亲自带队深入企业 ...
为深入贯彻落实国家、四川省、乐山市制造业智能化改造数字化转型工作部署,推动乐山高新区“智改数转”走深走实,1月9日,乐山市经济和信息化局、乐山市数据局、乐山高新区管委会共同举办乐山高新区制造业“智改数转”供需对接会,乐山市数智创新 ...