A humpback whale appeared to "swallow" a kayaker and spit him out last weekend off the coast of southern Chile in a dramatic incident that was caught on camera. The kayaker, Adrian Simancas ...
THIS is horrifying moment a kayaker is swallowed whole and then spat out by a 50ft humpback whale. Adrian Simancas and his dad Dell were kayaking in the choppy waters off the coast off Punta ...
PUNTA ARENAS, Chile — A Chilean man was given the scare of a lifetime when he briefly ended up in the mouth of a humpback whale while kayaking off Chilean Patagonia, reports say. The father of ...
A humpback whale briefly swallowed a kayaker off Chilean Patagonia before quickly releasing him unharmed. The incident, caught on camera, quickly went viral. Last Saturday, Adrián Simancas was ...
A 24-year-old kayaker in southern Chile was briefly swallowed by a humpback whale but emerged unhurt. A video capturing the event near the San Isidro Lighthouse shows the whale lunge-feeding and ...
Feb. 14 (UPI) --A 24-year-old kayaker in Chile was briefly swallowed, and subsequently regurgitated, by a humpback whale in an unusual encounter his father caught on camera. Adrián Simancas ...