to make the final push to the South Pole. FATIMA: Wow! So there were only five of you, alone on all that ice? OLLIE: And you had no way to call anyone? No radio, nothing? ROBERT SCOTT: That’s ...
On January 18, 1912, Captain Robert Falcon Scott and four of his men reached the geographic South Pole, only to discover they were not the first people to make it there. When they arrived ...
NASA's Athena Moon lander will land near the Moon's South Pole today. This mission aims to gain insights into lunar resources like water ice. Athena's data could influence future missions and ...
A private lunar lander is no longer working after landing sideways in a crater near the moon’s south pole and its mission ... of experiments including an ice drill, drone and pair of rovers ...
Athena is headed for Mons Mouton, a region near the moon's south pole. Scientists believe that water ice deposits and other resources can be found in surface samples that the lander will drill.
It's not just any robot, though; this flying marvel is designed to navigate the harsh terrain of the south pole, where water ice may lie buried for billions of years. With this innovative ...
SpaceX will launch Intuitive Machine’s Athena lunar lander toward the moon’s south pole on Wednesday ... a nearby crater in search of deposits of ice and the possible presence of hydrogen.
The world's frozen oceans, which help to keep the planet cool, currently have less ice than ever previously recorded, satellite data shows. Sea-ice around the north and south poles acts like a ...
Intuitive Machines' Athena moon lander is giving us some incredible views from lunar orbit ahead of its March 6 touchdown attempt. Now that the lander is circling the moon, cameras aboard Athena ...