Farmers and other leaders from Illinois’ agriculture industry say potential federal policy and funding actions could prove devastating. Whether it be tariffs that make Illinois soybeans less ...
With cover crops, true ROI — improved soil health ... In a 2015 strip trial on a central Illinois farm, three cover crop mixtures were planted behind a wheat crop, next to the grower’s normal ...
Cover crops in the high tunnel have stayed green all winter and are starting to increase ... The plan is to keep the tunnel warm and push the growing degree days. A portion of southern Illinois ...
After a year of drought and weather challenges, some cattle farmers are putting in extra cover crops this fall to ease the forage burden. Here’s the top six cover crops Midwest cattle farmers are ...
which not only includes the crops being grown but also non-crop plants. Essentially, trying to increase diversity to create a healthy, well-balanced garden. While some may not consider them companion ...
Soil organic carbon is greater when grazing cover crops, which can decrease soil bulk density and increase water-stable soil aggregates. Money savings from grazing cover crops instead of feeding ...
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
Cover crops and green manures are grown primarily for reasons other than short term economic gain. In other words, they are not produced for sale, but rather for the benefits they provide to the ...
Wisconsin dairy farmer Josh Hiemstra has been successfully using cover crops as a feed source for his cows for 15 years. Hiemstra has seen numerous benefits, including improved soil health, reduced ...
A nine-year study comparing a typical two-year corn and soybean rotation with a more intensive three-year rotation involving corn, cereal rye, soybean and winter wheat, found that the three-year ...
Doug Downs, who farms about 2,000 acres of corn and soybeans in Champaign County, Illinois, experimented with cover crops in ...
In addition, the bill expands coverage and requires that health policies in Illinois cover examinations and testing to confirm whether sexual contact occurred, detect sexually transmitted diseases ...